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I started collecting sports memorabilia and cards way back in the sixties. Like a lot of kids, I partnered with my father and we did it together for a long time. My cards got buried until the eighties. Fortunately, my mom didn’t throw my collection. They were buried in mom and dad’s bedroom closet. I decided to promote memorabilia shows as a way of giving back and create a positive experience for both attendees and vendors. Keep the hobby alive and pass it onto future generations hoping that they can have the positive experience we all had growing up collecting. The energy led to partner with The Scholastic Sports Zone Foundation. This foundation helps kids and saves their precious lives.

John Ellsessar is a friend of mine who I met in the eighties when he called our family business and we’ve been connected since that time. He and his wife Luann lost two sons in 2010 and 2015 to heart-related emergencies due to sudden cardiac arrest.

Both John and his wife Luanne had lobbied to have laws and bills passed in the state of Mass which is now known as Michael’s law starting on September 20, 2014 that Massachusetts public schools must have a written emergency response plan to reduce life-threatening emergencies and promote efficient responses if one occurs.

The foundation provides all school athletic programs in Massachusetts with access to the best health and safety equipment available through education programs and partnerships.

I thank you for taking the time to visit the website and read the mission. Look forward to seeing you soon at the upcoming shows.


Peter Panagiotou